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IAF X & Y Group GK Questions with Answers - General Awareness

Read here IAF X & Y Group GK Questions and IAF X & Y Group Notes. You can download IAF X & Y Group PDF files in hindi from here. Also here you can clear your doubt for IAF X & Y Group Exam. Prepare yourself for this Competitive Exam. This is very helpfull for Best Government Jobs.

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Q.681 :  It became clear that the strangers were heading into a serious disaster.
(a) along
(b) towards
(c) for
(d) no improvement
Answer : for

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Q.682 :  Young men and women should get habituated to reading and writing about current affairs.
(a) used
(b) prepared
(c) trained
(d) no improvement
Answer : used

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Q.683 :  While crossing the highway a five-year- old child was knocked out by a passing a car.
(a) away
(b) down
(c) up
(d) no improvement
Answer : down

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Q.684 :  When he heard the rhetorical speech of the leader, he was carried along by his enthusiasm.
(a) was carried aloft
(b) was carried down
(c) was carried away
(d) no improvement
Answer : was carried away

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Q.685 :  After the heavy rains last week, the water in the lake raised another two feet.
(a) rose another two feet
(b) rised another two feet
(c) would raise another two feet
(d) no improvement
Answer : rose another two feet

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Q.686 :  When we saw him last, he ran to catch a bus.
(a) has run
(b) had run
(c) was running
(d) no improvement
Answer : was running

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Q.687 :  I would like to avail a fifteen day holiday this summer.
(a) to avail of
(b) to avail myself of
(c) to avail myself
(d) no improvement
Answer : to avail myself of

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Q.688 :  An overdose of any medicine is enough fatal to a plant as to a man.
(a) too fatal
(b) so fatal
(c) as fatal
(d) no improvement
Answer : as fatal

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Q.689 :  There is nothing quite miserable than illiteracy in youth.
(a) as miserable
(b) very miserable
(c) more miserable
(d) no improvement
Answer : more miserable

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Q.690 :  My brother-in-law has a house for letting.
(a) for letting out
(b) to rent our
(c) to let
(d) no improvement
Answer : to let

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