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IAF X & Y Group GK Questions with Answers - General Awareness

Read here IAF X & Y Group GK Questions and IAF X & Y Group Notes. You can download IAF X & Y Group PDF files in hindi from here. Also here you can clear your doubt for IAF X & Y Group Exam. Prepare yourself for this Competitive Exam. This is very helpfull for Best Government Jobs.

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Q.661 :  We should be bound by a code of conduct, isn`t it?
(a) shouldn`t we
(b) is it
(c) aren`t we
(d) no improvement
Answer : shouldn`t we

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Q.662 :  A highly improved variety of seeds is available to the farmer these days.
(a) are
(b) will be
(c) has been
(d) no improvement
Answer : no improvement

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Q.663 :  The boy told his teacher to explain the passage.
(a) asked his teacher
(b) said to his teacher
(c) invited his teacher
(d) no improvement
Answer : asked his teacher

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Q.664 :  What struck one most was their kindness.
(a) what stroke one most
(b) what struck one more
(c) what stroke one more
(d) no improvement
Answer : no improvement

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Q.665 :  You should avoid to make such trivial mistakes.
(a) avoid making
(b) avoid to have made
(c) avoid make
(d) no improvement
Answer : avoid making

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Q.666 :  The teacher gave the students some advice.
(a) advices
(b) advise
(c) advises
(d) no improvement
Answer : no improvement

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Q.667 :  If you come across my umbrella anywhere, bring it to me, can you?
(a) isn`t it
(b) don`t you
(c) will you
(d) no improvement
Answer : will you

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Q.668 :  The floor of the hall was covered by a carpet.
(a) covered in
(b) covered with
(c) covered upon
(d) no improvement
Answer : covered with

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Q.669 :  The passengers are waiting for the bus outside the bus stand at the main gate for long.
(a) were waited
(b) were waiting
(c) have been waiting
(d) no improvement
Answer : have been waiting

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Q.670 :  Miss pillai teachers very well, isn`t it?
(a) didn`t she
(b) doesn`t she
(c) wasn`t it
(d) no improvement
Answer : doesn`t she

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