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IAF X & Y Group GK Questions with Answers - General Awareness

Read here IAF X & Y Group GK Questions and IAF X & Y Group Notes. You can download IAF X & Y Group PDF files in hindi from here. Also here you can clear your doubt for IAF X & Y Group Exam. Prepare yourself for this Competitive Exam. This is very helpfull for Best Government Jobs.

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Q.671 :  He has fallen out with the girl he wanted to marry.
(a) fallen off
(b) fallen in love
(c) fallen for
(d) no improvement
Answer : no improvement

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Q.672 :  If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.
(a) if the room was brighter
(b) if rooms are brighter
(c) had the room brighter
(d) no improvement
Answer : no improvement

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Q.673 :  I shall be grateful to you if you are of help to me now.
(a) help
(b) would help
(c) helped
(d) no improvement
Answer : help

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Q.674 :  The reason why he wrote the letter was because he could not contact him over the phone.
(a) why he wrote the letter was since
(b) for which he wrote the letter because
(c) why he wrote the letter was that
(d) no improvement
Answer : why he wrote the letter was that

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Q.675 :  The right-to-work implies the obligation on the part of the government to give a job to all.
(a) any of the unemployed
(b) every unemployed
(c) each of the unemployed
(d) no improvement
Answer : each of the unemployed

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Q.676 :  Most donors would seriously protest any effort to infer from such limited data.
(a) protest against
(b) protest at
(c) protest to
(d) no improvement
Answer : protest against

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Q.677 :  I hope you vivdly remember the premier of the film when I, my wife and you were present in the hall.
(a) my wife, I and you
(b) you, my wife and i
(c) my wife, you and i
(d) no improvement
Answer : you, my wife and i

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Q.678 :  With a thundering roar the huge rocket soared up from the launching pad.
(a) flew up
(b) went upwards
(c) took on
(d) no improvement
Answer : went upwards

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Q.679 :  My opinion for the film is that it will bag the national award.
(a) opinion to
(b) opinion on
(c) opinion about
(d) no improvement
Answer : opinion about

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Q.680 :  He sent a word to me that he would be coming late.
(a) sent word
(b) had sent a word
(c) sent words
(d) no improvement
Answer : sent word

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