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SBI PO GK Questions with Answers - General Awareness

Read here SBI PO GK Questions and SBI PO Notes. You can download SBI PO PDF files in hindi from here. Also here you can clear your doubt for SBI PO Exam. Prepare yourself for this Competitive Exam. This is very helpfull for Best Government Jobs.

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Q.81 :  Try to be diplomatic when you refuse any invitation, so far not to cause bad feelings.
(a) as far not
(b) so as not
(c) if as far not
(d) so far as
Answer : so as not

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Q.82 :  The police are trying to solve the mystery.
(a) was
(b) has been
(c) is
(d) no correction required
Answer : no correction required

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Q.83 :  On attempting to stage a drama, a new meaning to the story was discovered.
(a) when attempted
(b) on our attempting
(c) attempting
(d) while attempting
Answer : on our attempting

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Q.84 :  Biological clocks are of ................ adaptive value to animal, since it ................. nervous and physiological functions of the body.
(a) immense, assumes
(b) great, regulates
(c) ultimate, created
(d) high, engulfs
Answer : great, regulates

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Q.85 :  Each occupation has its own...............; bankers, lawyers and computer professionals for example all use among themselves.............. that outsiders find difficult to follow.
(a) merits, incidents
(b) disadvantages, methods
(c) rewards, endearment
(d) jargon, language
Answer : jargon, language

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Q.86 :  The two artists.............. markedly in their temperaments one was reserved and courteous, the other ............. and boastful.
(a) changed, irritable
(b) similar, jovial
(c) differed, rude
(d) appeared, funny
Answer : differed, rude

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Q.87 :  Many people believed that spices help.......... food however nutritionists found that most spices were ................ of having any effect on growth of microbe present in the food.
(a) preserve, incapable
(b) produce, impossible
(c) save, preventive
(d) protect, deprived
Answer : preserve, incapable

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Q.88 :  Despite a growing .............. that a lot needs to be done to help those without clean water, a............... says that more than 34 million people die every year of water born diseases.
(a) interest, reason
(b) recognition, report
(c) fantasy, review
(d) authority, legend
Answer : recognition, report

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Q.89 :  We have hired an advertising agency to prepare a campaign to encourage people votes.
(a) people from voting
(b) voting for people
(c) votes by people
(d) people to vote
Answer : people to vote

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Q.90 :  During the training programme the new recruits will be briefed about how their in the new organization.
(a) what their roles
(b) about their rule
(c) for its roles
(d) which are their role
Answer : about their rule

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