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IAF X & Y Group GK Questions with Answers - General Awareness

Read here IAF X & Y Group GK Questions and IAF X & Y Group Notes. You can download IAF X & Y Group PDF files in hindi from here. Also here you can clear your doubt for IAF X & Y Group Exam. Prepare yourself for this Competitive Exam. This is very helpfull for Best Government Jobs.

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Q.481 :  She has given up................. on her friends advice.
(a) smoke
(b) smoking
(c) to have smoked
(d) none of these
Answer : smoking

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Q.482 :  Remember this is not a safe road.............. .
(a) to travel
(b) to travel by
(c) travelling
(d) none of these
Answer : to travel by

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Q.483 :  Classical music in worth................. .
(a) to listen
(b) to listen to
(c) listening to
(d) none of these
Answer : listening to

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Q.484 :  The officer always bade me ................. fast.
(a) work
(b) to work
(c) to working
(d) none of these
Answer : work

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Q.485 :  He is reported ................... mumbai for good last year.
(a) to leave
(b) leaving
(c) to have left
(d) none of these
Answer : to have left

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Q.486 :  My mother always detests ................with shady children.
(a) in dealing
(b) dealing
(c) to deal
(d) none of these
Answer : dealing

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Q.487 :  How dare your teachers like this?
(a) to talk
(b) talk
(c) talking
(d) none of these
Answer : talk

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Q.488 :  They need not ................ for their turn.
(a) to wait
(b) to have waited
(c) wait
(d) none of these
Answer : wait

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Q.489 :  You don`t any more in the sun.
(a) to stand
(b) standing
(c) stand
(d) none of these
Answer : to stand

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Q.490 :  He is rich today but he seems the past.
(a) to be poor
(b) to have been poor
(c) to being poor
(d) none of these
Answer : to have been poor

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