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10 Life Hacks on How to Get Ready for an Exam the Night Before

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The big exam is approaching and you have to show everything you know, from the best side. In cases when you have at least 3 or 4 days to prepare, it seems possible.

But what do you do when the exam is the next morning and you don’t really feel you will nail it? Ask your group mates in panic for some note help? Are you looking for someone to help write your papers? Turn to an expert essay writing service with your write my paper request?

When the date of the exam is closer than ever, you have to use other strategies that those you use for preparing for usual, non-urgent exams. But the first and most significant rule here would be ‘DON’T STRESS OUT’, – stress is your enemy in this situation, and you should not give it a single chance to rule over you.

The ‘Night Before’ Preparation Lifehacks :-

While the number one rule mentioned above is without a rival among the tips and hacks to get ready during one night, here we will leave another 10 pieces of advice to tackle the problem of the lack of time for revising. Let’s go!

1. If you know that you missed a topic or several, get the material.

Learning is never too late, so if you really know that there are ‘white spots’ in your memory and notebook with lectures, be persistent enough to fill these blank spaces with the information that is sure to be required of you. Ask a groupmate to take a photo of a short summary of these topics, find help on the Internet resources, just don’t give up!

2. Use mind maps.

If there was universal advice we would tell to freshmen, sophomores, and students of older years, it would be this – use mind maps. Or, perhaps, this really is unique advice for all students. Mind mapping is a kind of brainstorming activity where you turn on your creativity, and, by drawing simple but informative schemes, store the data inside your long term memory in a more organized and engaging way.

3. Review your notes.

Looking through the papers on this course, you might come across many important things, like rules and key examples to use in the test. You might also try to make a poster with different colors standing for different ideas to improve the organization of notes and recall them easier.

4. Do the revision gradually.

Covering the whole course in one day (or, in your case, in one night) is impossible and undesirable – it will only add up to the mess in your head. However, if you revise topics one by one, it will create a logical sequence or chain, easier to remember and apply.

5. Don’t sit up too late.

Night cramming, or swotting up sessions aren’t as effective as they seem to be. Keeping your mind in constant tension wouldn’t make you a fresher student on the morning of this exam, so let yourself sleep.

6. Exercise.

Surprised? Don’t hurry up to scroll this advice down, – exercising is a proven way to improve the memory and thinking skills, Harvard researchers say. What is more, regular exercise helps the repair abilities of the neural cells, as well as boost the amount of endorphins that your body releases. As a result, a happier student does better on exams!

7. Be a part of the study group.

As a loner, you are unlikely to be a winner in this battle with the soon approaching exam. Still, as a part of a big or even a group of 3 or 4 learners, a so-called ‘buddy system’, you are more likely to notice important details that you would otherwise overlook.

8. Take breaks.

Though the human brain is the most wonderful machine, it needs healthy breaks to function as it is supposed to function. Putting away books for half an hour and talking to the close people of yours won’t rob you of much knowledge but will definitely do a lot of good to your cognitive functions.

9. Try explaining the key concepts and ideas to others.

This is the moment that defines how well you really understand what you are going to pass. If you can explain the topic in simple words as if you would talk to a school kid, then you’re good. Make your family or ‘study buddy’ group the people to train at (someday they will even thank you for this experiment. Maybe)

10. Make your study environment comfortable.

If your study place is something you never want to leave, it will surely tell on the quality of your preparation. With having your notes, handouts, and reference books in apple-pie order and setting all the study materials in harmony, you are sure to get more delight from the process.

With all of these life hacks, the approaching of the ‘Day X’ wouldn’t be so painful and messy. And, don’t forget the golden number one rule to leave aside panic and keep calm.

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